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Dear America, Americans, England And The World GET REAL Mother Fuckers I Ain't Living IN HELL 4 U!

If you seriously believe I am into you enjoying your life right now in this trash fucking show, I am NOT! Do you mother fuck get my fuck.

I am NOT your sacrificial animal do you get my fuck

If you seriously believe in your dumb fucking minds while you enjoy life, I give a fuck about you, your family, your world, this country, world, I mother fucking DON'T! I give a fuck about you, just like you have and do give a fuck about ME! Not at allDo you understand my fuck?

I don't care if this country is ruined for what you all are doing to my life, do you fucking get my fuck. You are ignorant, to think I have to live in HELL because of your dumb errors, do you get my fuck? 

I HATE you fuck and wish evil upon you all, for what you all are doing to my life and have been while YOU enjoyed life. That is WHY I HATE YOU!

You can all keep the self righteous importance, everything while you enjoyed life and I lived in your hell. Fuck you. We are NOT, nor will WE every be on the same mother fucking page EVER do you get my fuck Americans and the world, fucking EVER!

Seriously America, Americans, England, the world, you can all and I MEAN all, kill me! You can all stone me to death, shoot me, how ever you want to kill me. 

Do you see me reading your fucking shit anymore? No, I am not reading your trash shit fuck, because it and you are scum. Do you fucking get my fuck! Get real ignorant fucks, we ain't ever going to be on the same goddamn mother fucking page EVER! I ain't your child fucks. 

There are many people in this fuck show that need to read what they preach, because they are two faced hypocrite fucks. Do you get my fuck, you shall. 

Hey fucking liberals I ain't your political pawn fucks. Women Right Advocates I would NEVER stand by you fucking EVER. I would sue your organizations for what you all did to my life. Do you get my fuck. Sue you for every fucking penny you own. 

I ain't anyone's political pawn, or pawn for any reason mother fucking EVER, do you get my fuck. I ain't anyone's prisoner, for any fucking reason, do you scum get my fuck. If you seriously believe we are on the same team here, I would put a bullet in your fucking head. 

I would NEVER be on anyone's team who thinks I have to live like this, while they enjoyed life, do you get my fuck? You are true fucking scum to think so, do you fucking get my fuck American SCUM!


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